Our Role

Mission Statement

“Our mission is to recruit and train volunteers most of whom will be drawn from Christian churches of different denominations.  Our volunteers will provide a listening ear and offer practical help to the socially marginalised and the needy.

We patrol the streets of North Staffordshire during the daytime & night time economies, and work in partnership with the police, local councils and a range of voluntary and statutory organisations in order to reach and help all those in need.

The vision of Street Chaplains is to demonstrate the love of God in a practical, caring and non-judgemental way in order that people might be helped and supported”



Aims & Objectives

STREET CHAPLAINS are a church based, interdenominational response to urban problems. Their main role is to be available to listen, support and provide help if needed. Their focus is on all ages and to help them feel safe within their neighbourhood or night time venue. 

STREET CHAPLAINS work in partnership with other local professional agencies such as the Police, local council and safer-city partnership.They also provide extensive training for the volunteers, that covers all aspects of working in the community (First Aid, Drug & Alcohol Awareness, De-escalation skills, Street Safety etc)

STREET CHAPLAINS is a non-statutory, uniformed, visible presence that offers reassurance and reduces the fear of crime.

The working practice of Street Chaplains is to:

  • Provide teams of volunteers (3-5 people per team) that patrol designated areas within the community in partnership with other professional agencies.
  • To build strategic links with other agencies in order to provide the best possible service.
  • To liase with the police concerning any issue/incident that needs further investigation.
  • To submit regular reports concerning the work of Street Chaplains. These reports include any incident that may need further Police action.
  • Street Chaplains are supported through local grants, church donations and other one-off gifts.
  • Street Chaplains also works in partnership with other agencies to provide team cover for special events within the community. i.e.. Local Community Action Days.
  • Street Chaplains functions under the direction of a working party (Co-ordination, administration and recruitment) and comes under the governance of the YMCA (Hanley).
  • Street Chaplains seeks to recruit volunteers of all ages (18+) from across the community spectrum.
  • Street Chaplains has offices at YMCA, Harding Rd, and at Bemersley House, Gitana St, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent.
  • Street Chaplains seeks to build positive relationship with all agencies that are involved in providing positive help within the community.
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